Monday, June 11, 2007


I Love You Like Crazy Cakes by Rose Lewis ; illustrated by Jane Dyer / New York : Little, Brown, and Co., 2002. 22p.

A very simplified account of a woman from the United States who goes to China to adopt a baby girl. The story begins in a Chinese orphanage where there are several babies in cribs being attended to by Chinese women. These babies, according to the author, are missing something--a mother. The next page shows a woman who lives "far across the ocean" who was also missing something--a baby. The woman writes to officials in China and asks if she can adopt one of the babies who lives "in the big room." Months later she gets a reply, allowing her to come to China to adopt a baby girl. She then flies to China and meets her new daughter. They spend some time in China and then fly back to the woman's home to meet the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. The story has a beautiful ending where the mother rocks her new adopted baby and cries for the baby's Chinese mother who could not keep her, but hopes her Chinese mother knows that her daughter is safe and happy in her new home.

The story is based on the author's own experiences. Lewis retells her adoption story in a way that even very young children can understand what is happening. A great book to help explain the foreign adoption process to any young child, but especially to a child who was adopted from China.

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